Email Templates
List all email templates for a business
Email Templates
- The Email Template object
- GETList all email templates for a business
- POSTCreate an email template
- POSTCreate a new email template using AI
- POSTCopy a project email template into a specific business
- GETRetrieve an email template
- GETPreview an email template
- GETPreview an email template as an image
- POSTUpdate an email template
- DELDelete an email template
Email Template Embeds
Project Email Templates
Business Email Addresses
Project Email Addresses
SMS Templates
SMS Template Embeds
SMS Messages
Project Phone Numbers
Campaign Embeds
Email Templates
List all email templates for a business
Basic authentication header of the form Basic <encoded-value>
, where <encoded-value>
is the base64-encoded string username:password
Path Parameters
The ID of the business
Query Parameters
Whether to include project email templates in the list of business's email templates
Available options:
200 - application/json
An array of email templates
The ID of the email template
The name of the email template
The subject of the email template. Variables are supported via {{ variableName }}
The body of the email template. May be null. Variables are supported via {{ variableName }}
The JSON representing the rich text email template. May be null
The HTML representation of the rich text email. May be null
An array of attachment associted with the email template. Will be sent with every email built from this template